
Calling all potential 2025 Sponsors:
We Need Your Support!

The Midwest Ski Otters appreciate your interest in becoming a team sponsor.  As a small nonprofit organization, we survive by the generosity of our communities – individuals and businesses alike.  We encourage our fans to support those businesses who choose to support us.  If you have a business of any size, the Midwest Ski Otters would love to partner!  From gas to costumes, boats, equipment and more, it takes a lot to make our shows come together for the delight of our community audiences.  We are actively lining up supporters for the 2025 season – our 30th anniversary!  See below for details and reach out to our email [email protected] with any questions.  

E-mail [email protected] if you are interested in discussing sponsorship opportunities.

You will be in good company!  Take a peek at our 2023 program and view a few of our past partners displayed below.
Note:  in 2025 the Otters are going green!  Instead of printing a program, we will be changing to a single page handout that will link to our website for sponsor shout-outs.  Further, all sponsors will be featured on a special All Sponsor Banner increasing visibility at our shows.  Upgrade to your own banner to make a bigger splash!  THANK YOU for supporting the Midwest Ski Otters for our 30th season on the water!

2023 Program

(612) 217-6576

St. Croix Linen



E-mail [email protected] if you are interested in discussing sponsorship opportunities.